365彩票在线过滤 Draws Enthusiasts to Combat Robotics Tournament 



Team Complified创作, an independent team from Albuquerque, shows off their three combat 机器人 that competed in 365彩票在线过滤's Miner Mayhem tournament April 29, 2023. From left: Max Price, Sebastian Stoker, Jaime Aagaard, Andy Stoker, Alex Price, 卡梅伦斯托克.

索科罗,N.M. – Fierce competitors, innovative robot designs, and ardent fans were featured at the annual Miner Mayhem tournament 2023年4月29日, at 365彩票在线过滤. 55团队 competed at the 战斗机器人 tournament hosted by the STEM University’s Mechanical Engineering Department, including 10 New Mexico high schools, four middle schools, 三个学院,还有一些独立的团队. 

Jamison Fitzgibbon, left, and Elliott Light, both students at Ruidoso Middle School, show off their combat robot that competed in 365彩票在线过滤's Miner Mayhem tournament 2023年4月29日.

组织者柯蒂斯·奥马利(Curtis O 'Malley)博士说.D.,机械工程助理教授, the daylong Miner Mayhem match is the only 战斗机器人 tournament in New Mexico. It’s also, he 说, a great showcase for 机械工程 – the knowledge, skills, creativity, and teamwork needed to design, build, and constantly improve the combat 机器人. This year’s tournament was the first that welcomed competitors from other 大学. The program began in 2020 with 12 competitors and three teams.

From left: Annalese Casey, Skyler Dunaway, 援助an Najera, and 援助an Donohue, students at Roswell High School, show off their brightly colored champion combat robot that competed in New 2023年4月29日,墨西哥理工大学的矿工大混战锦标赛, and earned a 第二名的奖杯.

“There are dozens of competitions all over the country, just not in New Mexico,” he 说. “随着时间的推移,人们对战斗机器人的兴趣只会越来越大.” 

From left: Lance Erosido, Alex Beason, and Jack Dodd, students at Carlsbad High School, show off their champion combat robot that competed in 365彩票在线过滤's Miner Mayhem 他参加了2023年4月29日的比赛,并获得了第一名的奖杯.

Alex Price, father of competitor Max Price, and a member of the “Team Complified创作” independent team from Albuquerque, 说 he was impressed by the amount of planning 比赛前的准备工作. 在Miner Mayhem比赛中, 他的五人小组学到了宝贵的经验.

“他们可以看到事情是如何失败的,”他说. “你学到的东西令人惊讶.”

Myles Begay and Serenity David, students at Tohatchi High School in Gallup, pose with show their combat robot that competed in 365彩票在线过滤's Miner Mayhem tournament 2023年4月29日.

Kai Shorty, a competitor from Tohatchi High School in Gallup, 说 that the tournament was entertaining and that he enjoyed seeing other competitors. 他的队友,德肖恩 Hernandez, agreed, saying he was having a great time at the tournament and appreciated 学习更多布线知识的机会.

“这太有趣了,”他说. “我喜欢看别人的作品.”

55团队 from 大学, high schools, and middle schools competed in New 2023年4月29日,墨西哥理工大学的矿工大混战锦标赛.